New “Deathgasm” Poster Shreds

Ahead of its release early next month, highly-praised horror-comedy Deathgasm has received an official poster; and it’s the most metal thing you’ll see today! With gorgeous painted artwork, evil imagery, and a decidedly brutal vibe, there’s nothing you won’t love about the new one-sheet.

Metal-thrashing Brodie is an outcast in a sea of jocks and cheerleaders until he meets a kindred spirit in fellow metalhead Zakk. After starting their own band, Brodie and Zakk’s resentment of the suburban wasteland leads them to a mysterious piece of sheet music said to grant Ultimate Power to whoever plays it. But the music also summons an ancient evil entity known as Aeloth The Blind One, who threatens to tear apart existence itself. Their classmates and family become inhabited by demonic forces, tearing out their own eyes and turning into psychotic murderers… and this is only the beginning!

Written and directed by Jason Lei Howden, the film stars Milo Cawthorne, James Blake, and Kimberley Crossman.

Deathgasm arrives in theaters and on VOD October 2nd.

Deathgasm poster

About Blair Hoyle

Blair Hoyle is a filmmaker, journalist, and party starter from North Carolina. His directorial debut, HAPPY ENDINGS ARE A RARITY was released in 2017. He currently resides in Austin, Texas.

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