“Children of the Night” Creep Their Way to Home Video

South American horror film Children of the Night is set to invade the home video market next month thanks to Artsploitation Films. The tale of a group of young vampires had a short run on the festival circuit, and is now being released just in time for the Halloween season.

A secluded colony of child vampires come under attack from vengeful villagers in this darkly funny horror tale by Argentinean filmmaker Ivan Noel. A journalist visits a secluded orphanage where children suffer from an unknown skin disease. She soon learns that they are in fact not children, but vampires aging from 4 to 120 years old and who have been bitten at an early age and forever remain in that physical state. They are led and protected by a strange and deeply religious ex-nurse whose destiny in life is to find these ‘lost souls’ and raise them in her sanctuary. Through religious teachings, nocturnal rituals and the occasional visit to local towns for fresh human blood, she keeps them safe  – that is until a cultish band of men from a nearby village plot to destroy the refuge. Now the children, headed by the 90-year-old grandson of Count Dracula, must defend their way of life.

Written and directed by Iván Noel, the film stars Ana María Giunta, Toto Muñoz, Sabrina Ramos, and Lauro Veron.

Children of the Night arrives on Blu-ray and DVD on October 6th.

Children of the Night

About Blair Hoyle

Blair Hoyle is a filmmaker, journalist, and party starter from North Carolina. His directorial debut, HAPPY ENDINGS ARE A RARITY was released in 2017. He currently resides in Austin, Texas.

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