Tag Archives: Olive Films

Olive Films to Bring “American Ninja” Series to Blu

The first four films in the iconic American Ninja martial arts series from the 1980s is finally set to arrive on Blu-ray courtesy of Olive Films. Starring legendary action star Michael Dudikoff (Bachelor Party), the late Steve James (Hero and the Terror), and David Bradley (Cyborg Cop II), the series has garnered quite a serious […]

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DVD Review: “Death Nurse II”

It’s kind of amazing that Death Nurse II even exists. Considering that the original Death Nurse is a glorified short film that is filled with footage from writer-director Nick Millard’s earlier works, there clearly isn’t enough story there to justify creating a sequel. And yet, there is still a Death Nurse II. Featuring the exact […]

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DVD Review: “Death Nurse”

Most shot-on-video films from the ’80s are really, really, really low-budget, but Nick Millard’s Death Nurse is almost remarkable in its cheapness. Despite clearly being shot inside of a typical suburban home, the story itself is set inside of Shady Palms Clinic, where “Nurse” Edith Mortley (Priscilla Alden) and her brother, “Doctor” Gordon Mortley (Albert Eskinazi), […]

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DVD Review: “Cemetery Sisters”

Nick Millard’s Cemetery Sisters is typical shot-on-video horror fare from the ’80s. Filled with hammy acting, awful dialogue, and enough synth to last a lifetime, the movie tells the story of a pair of sisters (Joan and Leslie Simon) who marry men and then murder them. There really isn’t much more to it than that, […]

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Blu-ray Review: “Cinco De Mayo”

At some point, every holiday gets the slasher movie treatment. From Halloween to April Fool’s Day, there’s a horror film for every time of the year. Now independent filmmaker Paul Ragsdale has added Cinco De Mayo to the list. A no-budget slasher with a homemade aesthetic, the film is only for the most diehard fans […]

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“Boardinghouse” DVD Review

Movies like Johnn Wintergate’s Boardinghouse are best enjoyed with a roomful of friends and more than a few alcoholic beverages on hand. A shot-on-video film with ridiculous supernatural elements, the film is generally played straight by the cast and crew, which makes the general hokeyness all the more charming. Now available on a Special Edition DVD […]

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Blu-ray Review: “Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors”

Almost every Amicus production from the 1960s has a very distinct stylistic nature, and Freddie Francis’ Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors is no exception. An anthology film with a similar structure to 1972’s Tales from the Crypt, there’s a lot of eerie fun to be had with the movie, especially now that its made its way to Blu-ray courtesy […]

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Blu-ray Review: “Sometimes They Come Back”

Based on the Stephen King short story of the same name, Tom McLoughlin’s 1991 made-for-TV horror film, Sometimes They Come Back, is set to make its way to Blu-ray courtesy of Olive Films. Having spawned two sequels in the ’90s, the film achieved some sort of success, but still rarely makes its way into discussions amongst […]

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“Breeders” Blu-ray Review

When it comes to B-movies, there are two schools of thought. Some people hate them and see no redeeming value, while others are able to look past the surface flaws to find entertainment out of the silliness. In the case of Tim Kincaid’s Breeders, quality comes second to absurdity, but there’s still some fun to […]

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“Deuces Wild” Blu-ray Review

One of the most interesting gang films of its decade, 2002’s Deuces Wild is truly a film of its era. Feeling equally like a product of the millennium as a story of the 1950s, the late Scott Kalvert’s tale of inner-city life manages to entertain consistently despite its occasionally farfetched nature. Set in Brooklyn during the summer of […]

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